A local community theater director, accurately portrayed by Martin Short, comes in to critique a performance of A Charlie Brown Christmas in SNL‘s Peanuts...
The TICKET Act in the US, designed to increase pricing transparency, has been left in limbo after an intervention from President-Elect Donald Trump. The...
At the start of James Mangold’s A Complete Unknown, a young, determined-looking Bob Dylan (played by Timothée Chalamet) arrives in the Greenwich Village of...
A new documentary film, Since Yesterday: The Untold Story Of Scotland’s Girl Bands, will shine a light on Scotland’s greatest unsung girl groups over...
The date of the alleged assault overlaps with the Canadian rapper’s appearance at Festival d’été de Québec The Canadian rapper K’naan has been charged...
During a conversation with Bootleg Kev, Consequence was asked about a rumor involving Ye and Kendrick Lamar having “an album’s worth of unreleased songs...
Maya Neelakantan – the 11-year-old guitar prodigy and sensation – recently joined Testament on stage at their show in Las Vegas. On Friday (September...
Jack White and Greta Van Fleet will replace Dave Grohl and company in September 29 headlining slot at Bridgeport, Connecticut festival Foo Fighters canceled...
Ed Sheeran officially has 12 songs in Spotify‘s Billions Club, with “The A Team” most recently passing the threshold. To celebrate, the superstar brought...
All products and services featured are independently chosen by editors. However, Billboard may receive a commission on orders placed through its retail links, and...
LISA’s latest post on TikTok has some fans saying “please please please” to a possible collaboration with Sabrina Carpenter. In a video posted Wednesday...
Halsey has revealed that she was recently hospitalised after suffering a “very scary” seizure. The singer and songwriter – who uses she/they pronouns –...