A local community theater director, accurately portrayed by Martin Short, comes in to critique a performance of A Charlie Brown Christmas in SNL‘s Peanuts...
The TICKET Act in the US, designed to increase pricing transparency, has been left in limbo after an intervention from President-Elect Donald Trump. The...
At the start of James Mangold’s A Complete Unknown, a young, determined-looking Bob Dylan (played by Timothée Chalamet) arrives in the Greenwich Village of...
Stevie Nicks has logged on. The icon dropped “The Lighthouse,” a stellar anthem for women’s rights. Co-written with Magnus Birgersson and Vincent Villuis, the track...
Stevie Nicks has returned with a rallying cry for women, dropping new single “The Lighthouse” Friday (Sept. 27) in hopes of reinvigorating the fight...
Singer reveals upcoming LP, out Nov. 15, and releases new track “Pasaporte” with cameos from David Guetta and the Martinez Brothers Puerto Rican singer...
Weezer have announced a new concert film to celebrate the 30th anniversary of their debut record, ‘The Blue Album’. READ MORE: Weezer’s Rivers Cuomo: “If...
All products and services featured are independently chosen by editors. However, Billboard may receive a commission on orders placed through its retail links, and...
The star met with California Gov. Gavin Newsom this week to celebrate two new bills establishing protections for minors creating monetized online content Demi...
Gwen Stefani has said her upcoming fifth album is “not a country record”, despite her country-inflected new single ‘Somebody Else’s’, and the cowboy hat...
All products and services featured are independently chosen by editors. However, Billboard may receive a commission on orders placed through its retail links, and...
TikTok‘s streaming service, TikTok Music, is shutting down after just over a year of operations. The platform has announced they’ll be ceasing operations of...