A local community theater director, accurately portrayed by Martin Short, comes in to critique a performance of A Charlie Brown Christmas in SNL‘s Peanuts...
The TICKET Act in the US, designed to increase pricing transparency, has been left in limbo after an intervention from President-Elect Donald Trump. The...
At the start of James Mangold’s A Complete Unknown, a young, determined-looking Bob Dylan (played by Timothée Chalamet) arrives in the Greenwich Village of...
Tommy Richman dropped his debut album Coyote on Friday (Sept. 27) via ISO Supremacy and Pulse Records. The 11-track project includes: “Elephant in the...
While fans wait for Lady Gaga‘s long-awaited seventh studio album, Mother Monster is making sure her Little Monsters stay fed with another new project....
Lana Del Rey has reportedly married alligator tour guide Jeremy Dufrene. Rumours began circulating last month after the singer was seen holding hands with...
Kylie Minogue has dropped a new single, “Lights Camera Action.” The high-energy dance floor track was produced by Lewis Thompson and co-written by Kylie,...
Country superstar Luke Bryan has officially dropped his eighth studio album Mind of a Country Boy, available everywhere today, Sept. 27. The new release...
BLACKPINK singer Rosé has joined Atlantic Records’ roster for her upcoming solo releases. Earlier today (September 27), BLACKPINK’s Rosé shared on Instagram that she...