At the start of James Mangold’s A Complete Unknown, a young, determined-looking Bob Dylan (played by Timothée Chalamet) arrives in the Greenwich Village of...
The TICKET Act in the US, designed to increase pricing transparency, has been left in limbo after an intervention from President-Elect Donald Trump. The...
Having previously announced an open call to search for their new drummer, Primus have warned applicants about scammers. Earlier this year, the band shared...
In a now-viral episode of the BFFs Podcast LaPaglia made a series of claims, including accusing Bryan of “emotional abuse” during their relationship and claiming she...
Sting has revealed his thoughts on the legacy of Police‘s ‘Every Breath You Take’ following the numerous allegations against Sean ‘Diddy’ Combs. In 1983,...
Jung Kook brought his sparkling talent to his ‘GOLDEN: The Moments’ Exhibition, where fans can walk through the golden moments that helped shape his...
The White Stripes have dropped their copyright lawsuit against the newly re-elected President of the United States Donald Trump. Find out more below. READ...
In a recent interview, Sting discussed Police’s chart-topping hit “Every Breath You Take” from their 1983 album Synchronicity and the song’s ties to Sean “Diddy”...
Pitchfork’s annual Chicago music festival will not take place in 2025 after 19 years of operation. The outlet confirmed that the long-running event won’t...