One of the most intriguing and little-known corners of the music industry’s vast, seedy underbelly centers around a bunch of rare records released between...
Comedian Andrew Schulz has called Kendrick Lamar “the Taylor Swift of hip-hop” because “no matter what [Lamar] does, he’s still the victim”. Back in...
In January 2000, Megadeth issued a press release announcing that longtime lead guitarist Marty Friedman had left the band, mid-tour, “to pursue other musical...
Welcome to our weekly rundown of the best new music — featuring big singles, key tracks from our favorite albums, and more. This week Kendrick Lamar...
Right from the start, Billy Preston: That’s the Way God Planned It, the first-ever documentary on the late pop-R&B singer, songwriter, and organ maestro,...
With his eighth studio album, Chromakopia, Tyler, the Creator has secured his longest-running streak atop the album charts, staying there for three consecutive weeks...